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Virtual Chair’s Initiative: A COVID-19 Attorney General Legal and Policy Response Manual

December 17, 2020

During four weeks we held calls with our partners as part of the “Virtual Chair’s Initiative: A COVID-19 Attorney General Legal and Policy Response Manual“. We are happy to announce that through this initiative we have been able to gather valuable input and feedback from our partners (from both the participating states and the private sector).

These working groups will combine to resume weekly meetings in January and there will be a review and public release of the compilation of legal issues, policy questions and considerations in the near future.

Topics that were discussed:

Vaccine Methodologies and Legalities
State’s Role in Vaccine Administration
Deceptive Trade Practices, Diversion and Black Market Issues
Governmental Authorities
Vaccine Collaboration and Antitrust Concerns

Please stay tuned for the next steps in the Chair’s Initiative that include:

By January 4th, our Chair’s Initiative team will publicly release a legal issues outline assembled by these five cohort groups.

January will also see the formation of a new Health Equity Working Group, chaired by New Mexico’s Attorney General Hector Balderas which will be focused on supporting Attorneys General in “…bending the arc towards health equity”.

If interested in participating, please contact Andrea Friedman at [email protected].